Summer Youth Art Camp
Know Before You Go
All ticket sales are final and non-refundable. We may be able to exchange your ticket for another camp at a comparable price. Please contact the smART Program Manager at 804.436.9309 or (Please note, we are unable to prorate camp fees on a daily basis.)
When you register, please list all allergies or disability-related accommodation needed for your camper. Please be aware that we cannot guarantee a 100% nut-free zone. After you submit the registration form, contact the smART Program Manager (see contact information above) about your child’s allergies and we will accommodate your camper’s needs as best we can.
What to Expect at Camp
Campers will spend time in the RAL Art Center gallery and studio spaces. Campers will experiment and create with a wide range of art materials to express their artistic style while meeting new friends along the way.
Camp is for the entire week, including Monday when we are closed to the public.
We have a max capacity of 15 campers per camp. There will always be an instructor present with the group, and studio volunteers to offer support throughout the camp.
There will be a “Show and Share” on the last day of camp. This is an opportunity for your camper to show off their artwork to friends and family during the last hour of camp.
As a part of art learning, campers will be escorted by the class instructor and studio volunteer in a single-file line from 43 N Main Street to 19 N Main Street to view artist work in the main gallery. Safety protocols for walking to the gallery and how to behave in the gallery will be reviewed before campers leave the main building.
What to Send with Your Camper
Campers will have a snack break halfway through camp. Please send your camper with a nut-free snack due to potential allergies.
Have your camper wear comfortable, breathable clothes that they can get messy in. Keep in mind that campers will be working with both washable and permanent materials.
Also, since we will venture outdoors each day, please apply sunscreen and bug spray prior to arrival (please note that aerosol sprays are not allowed inside or outside the studios) and be sure your camper is wearing appropriate shoes for outdoor walking.
RAL will have extra water bottles available for campers but will not be providing snacks. If you have any questions, please contact the smART Program Manager (804.436.9309 or
Camp Drop-Off and Pick-Up
All summer camps will be held in our brand-new Education Center studio space, located at 43 N Main Street, Kilmarnock VA (the building that was formerly Higher Health Foods store, immediately next door to Donna’s). There will be a Summer Camp Drop-Off sign in front of the door.
A staff member or studio volunteer will greet you and your camper when you enter, and you will be handed a sign-in sheet. Please arrive no earlier than 15 minutes before camp begins and pick up your camper no later than 15 minutes after camp ends.
An adult must sign their camper in and out of camp each day. Only those who have been designated to sign out the camper may do so. Make sure to add the names of anyone picking up your camper to the registration form. Campers may not leave the Education Center until a designated adult signs them out and shows ID.
Twenty-four hours advanced notice is required if any aspect of your child’s pick-up or drop-off is changed.
On the last day of camp, all campers will be picked up at the Show and Share. This takes place during the last hour of camp and ensures that campers get to show off all the work they’ve accomplished during the week.